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Wide Tire Kits (complete)
Yamaha Raider
18 x 8.5 Rear Wheel Widening Service
Raider Widened rear rim, chrome front rim
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Chrome plating your Raider stock rims is a awesome cosmetic upgrade to your bike. The spoke design of the stock rims make them look like a set of aftermarket wheels when we are finished with them! Beautiful wet chrome finish that attracts attention where ever you go.
The rear rim is widened to a massive 8.5" wide, which is the perfect size for your 240mm rear tire. No modifications to the swingarm or belt drive line are necessary for a 240mm rear tire.
Rims are processed using our proprietary "wet chrome" finish. This is a 5 layer chrome processing consisting of nickel, copper, semi bright nickel, bright nickel, and lastly hexavalent chrome. Its the best chrome on aluminum in the country, PERIOD. Looks "wet", looks "liquid".
Please note, these rims are available to you on a "exchange" basis when inventory permits. Contact us first for exchange availability, or send in your rims for processing. (normally 7-8 week turn around time)
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